Show: "Cougar Town" (ABC)
Penny Can is a game created by Bobby Cobb on "Cougar Town". The basics are very simple: players throw pennies into a can from at least 10 feet away. Sounds a little snoozy, no? But if you give it a shot (pun 100% intended; it's how I roll), I promise you'll get hooked, just like our favorite Cul-de-sac Crew.
Since the game's inception, the gang has developed some additional funtimey rules.
- When a player gets a penny in the can, all players yell "penny can" in a high-pitched singsongy tone. If a player sinks a penny while the can is moving, players sing "moving target penny can".
- If your penny goes in the can but bounces out, it's time for a 'Stache Attack! That means another player gets to draw a mustache on your face. (If you're already mustachioed, you may get a Crazy Brow.)
- If a "rim shot" occurs, the other players flick your ears. (Ouch!)
- If your penny spins, you become the meat in a "face sandwich" with two other players until the penny stops.
- If you sink three pennies in a row, you do the robot and say "penny can" in your most robotic voice.
Step 1: obtain a penny can. I was lucky enough to have one delivered to me in the mail (for free!) because my friend and I called 1-855-Penny-Can and spoke to Nellie, one of the show's writers. A stroke of good luck, and the Penny Can is glorious in person! The Penny Can is occasionally on sale here for $19.95, but if it's out of stock just grab an old paint can or coffee can to use. If you're feeling creative you can add a label as in the photo above, or personalize it for you and your friends.
Step 2: get some friends together. Penny Can is most fun with at least 3 or 4 competitors. Ideal occasions? A backyard barbecue, a night at the beach, or after everyone's had a tall glass of wine, beer, or cream soda. I personally brought mine to a work barbecue:
... and good times were had by all.
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